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Baskets, Eyes and Veg (no a) - Tuesday 5th February 2019

Some mornings you wake with a spring in your step.  Others you wish you could take your cuppa back to bed and have a duvet day.  Duvet day would have been most welcome today.  There wasn't even a cuppa to take back to bed even if I wanted to.

It's been a funny old day.  The shop wasn't due to open until 10am, but after a trot down the hill, battling with not 1, not 2 but 3 bags, an umbrella and my hair plastered across my face in the drizzle, the sign was turned and the door unlocked by half 9.  In came an instant flow of customers.  Not 1 purchased anything (think they were secretly looking for somewhere to warm up), and by 10am they were gone and I didn't see a single soul until lunchtime... except for staff of course.

At lunchtime I saw a couple of my lovely crafters/artisans who dropped off new stock and lots of faces that we have not seen before.  Its always a pleasure to welcome new and regular faces to the craziness that goes on at HQ.

Today involved queries over wicker baskets, the meaning of many Welsh words, whether or not dogs should have eyes (fabric ones that is) and how many Tunnocks have been consumed!  As a side note - always check your autocorrect - when talking about veg, ensure the vowel doesn't change to the letter a!  This can make for an awkward conversation!

Shop sales ended up being surprisingly good for a drizzly, damp cold day and wholesale orders certainly took me by surprise - a few new stockists to add to the growing list.  Should keep us busy and out of mischief (ish) for the next couple of weeks!

As expected, the whole family have been sat, glued to the computer screen looking at the new website stats.  Who knew they could be so interesting?!?!  I'm blown away by everyone's support - its bloody brilliant and a bit of a relief if I'm honest.  No one told me how hard this running a business shizzle was going to be.  And now its close to admin and I have a little pile of sewing to finish before my head is allowed to touch the pillow... after I check the stats of course ;-) 

Night night... Nos da xxx

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